Reusable vs Disposable is a common debate and struggle for many pet parents. Although there are merits for both, disposable products fill landfills and eventually eat away at wallets, making reusable products the clear choice.
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As is with any newly acquired dog, the first thing you want to do is teach it to do something. That’s definitely easier said than done, as depending on the dog, you could be faced with stubbornness and disinterest. Here...
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According to the 2015 National Pet Obesity Association Survey, about 53.4% of U.S. dogs are either overweight or obese. That’s over 58,000,000 pets who could be living longer, healthier and happier lives - all they need is a balanced...
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Dogs are becoming a common addition to several homes across the US. According to the ASPCA, there are between 70-80 million dogs in the US alone. That’s a whole lot of dogs, but who’s leading the pack when it comes...
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We all know the term “Man’s best friend”, it is used to describe dogs. It signifies the loyalty and obedience of dogs, particularly domesticated dogs that people have come to appreciate so much. Over the ages, dogs have become an...
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